FOCUS On Census 2020

Les invitamos a llenar el formurario del Censo 2020 para ayudar a organizaciones como FOCUS a continuar sirviendo a la comunidad.
Complete el Censo en 2020CENSUS.GOV or llamando al 844-330-2020 (ingles), 844-468-2020 (Español) cualquier otro idioma listado en CENSUS.NJ.GOV.

Yo Cuento, Tu Cuentas, Todos Contamos! No olvides llenar el Censo 2020 #NewarkCounts #FOCUSonCensus2020

Posted by FOCUS Hispanic Center for Community Development, Inc. on Thursday, April 16, 2020

Shape your future
Complete the Census

Census results help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into states and communities each year.


When you respond to the census, your answers are kept anonymous. They are used only to produce statistics.


Is kept confidential and won’t be shared with the authorities. The census does not ask for social security numbers or if you’re a U.S. Citizen.